You can invest a lot of time and money in developing your own online presence, but your efforts won't generate results if buyers can't connect their product ideas to the right style and from the right manufacturer. That's where we come in.

S3 Blue Silver

We Offer a Better Option:

On behalf of our factory partners, we are building a digital sourcing solution that serves large-scale buyers across the US, Canadian and European sports markets. From the industry’s largest brands to buyers within secondary markets (team, corporate, event), our program is designed to maximize purchasing options while we help guide customers from concept to completion. Whether working with an idea, a specific design or a template from our product database, our regional team represents you, the factory, by providing customized quotes, digital sample concepts, professional recommendations and real-time support.


If you’re a manufacturer that meets our criteria, we’ll create a digital presence for you and showcase your skills and experience


We’ll handle all online interaction, including quote/design uploads, confirmations, questions and updates. You handle the transaction.


After sale follow-up includes satisfaction surveys and internal reviews to continually evolve development and manufacturing process.

We Work for You:

Unlike other online solutions which force you to compete with other factories, we only work with select manufacturers within each product category. We are building a unified model that aims to increase sales for our partners, protect profit margins, streamline buyer-to-factory communication and share in our market research and customer feedback.

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